Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Greek Club

Last week, a Sturgis alumnus visited our Greek class to help demonstrate how its believed ancient Greeks would have pronounced their words and sentences. When i first heard this, i was not certain how this would help me achieve my goals in Greek club, but then i thought about it more closely. In our ToK class we learned about languages, and how the differences in how they sound could affect our perception. After hearing the alumnus speak, hearing how enchanting the Greek tonality and meter was, I thought back to when we read Antigone in English class. Would my perception of some of the techniques used such as catharsis be different if i heard it in the original Ancient Greek? Indeed, this was a valuable opportunity for me to enhance my knowledge of ancient Greek culture.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


In MUN today i learned how to write my position paper. Writing these papers are an essential part of my duty as a member of the Eco-Fin committee. I will be writing mine on topic A: Alternative Methods of financing development. In order to write this position paper i will need to research about my country, Macedonia, and about the topic i need to write about. In the process of writing this position paper (and debating about it in the future) i hope to improve my researching skills, my debating skills, and my teamwork skills. I will do this by researching about my country and accomplishing one of my major goals of learning about international topics. Also, my debating skills will increase through our afterschool debates we will hold after our position papers are done. Lastly, my teamwork skills will increase throughout the entire process because I need to be able to communicate effectively with and work with my partner for the Eco-Fin Committee, Jade.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Chili Making

I was really surprised by how much i accomplished in our Chili making fundraiser. I not only learned how to make Chili, but i also learned multiple aspects of cooking i had never attempted before. For example, i had never used a grill prior to that day. We all had a great time that day, working together to make this massive amount of chili to raise money for our prom. I also learned some Cape Cod history when we went on our hike after lunch. Through this activity, I felt that i had learned how to cook better, a skill i will most definitely benefit from in life. Even more importantly, I learned how to work productively with my peers. I have attached some photos that demonstrate this teamwork, the skills i learned through this activity, and the historical hike that Mr. Hyer took us on.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


For this year in MUN I will be working with Jade on the Eco-Financial committee for Macedonia. The country paper for Macedonia has been finished now, so our position papers are due January 11th. In these past weeks, my knowledge of Macedonia has increased greatly, helping me accomplish my goal of learning more about foreign policy. My knowledge will increase even further when I help write our position paper on Eco-Fin topics.

Turkey Drive

Our thanksgiving collection went very well. We accomplished our goals of gathering food for a family’s thanksgiving dinner. With the money we raised through our advisory, we were able to actually get more food than any other advisory was able to gather. We ended up dividing some of the extra food we bought and giving it to other advisories in order to help as many families as possible had an enjoyable thanksgiving dinner. Because of this, we may have accomplished more than the original goals I set for myself were. On the whole, I am very pleased with what Eric, Andrew, and I were able to accomplish in this thanksgiving turkey drive.

Greek Club

Recently in Greek club, I earned the “greek student of the month” award for my determination to learn and translate Greek. This I feel shows my progress towards my goals in Greek club which were to learn to read and translate Greek proficiently because it shows that I am being recognised for my ability to do this. Most recently in greek, we have been memorising the first and second declensions for nouns, which will also help me progress towards my goals. Over christmas vacation my goal is to have these two declensions memorised to prepare for my future Greek classes.